Schaumburg, Illinois Speed Traps

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National Parkway near Higgins/72 Road

Schaumburg, IllinoisAug 01, 20070 Comments

Officer stands at the NW corner of the 4-way stop just south of Higgins Rd. with radar gun pointed at oncoming traffic heading south towards him. You aren’t expecting an officer to be out of his vehicle with a radar gun. Another officer then points to a few lucky cars and directs them to turn right and pull over to the side of the road where another officer writes tickets…

Algonquin Road near Interstate 53

Schaumburg, IllinoisJun 27, 20070 Comments

SPD will sit in restaurant parking lots on the south side of Algonguin well enough out of view.

Martingale Drive near State Route 72

Schaumburg, IllinoisMay 29, 20070 Comments

Multiple undercover cars and motorcycles sit on side of road at the curve by the Marriott, usually near the end of each month. Both NB and SB.

Spinginsguth Road near Schaumburg Road

Schaumburg, IllinoisMay 06, 20070 Comments

A police car often sits in one of several church or school parking lots located on Springinsguth Road between Schaumburg Road and Wise Road.

Spring South Road near Wise Road

Schaumburg, IllinoisMay 06, 20070 Comments

Between Wise Road and Irving Park Road traveling either North or Southbound, there is often a police car or police motorcyle parked on one of the side streets or sometimes in the driveway of one of the homes. The speed limit is only 25 mph which is very low for this road. Be very cautious driving down this road as it is a prime example of a speed trap.

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