University Park, Illinois Speed Traps
On Dralle Rd between Rt 50 and Old Monee Road
The police like to sit in the Governor’s State University wildlife area (south of the University property) which abuts Dralle Rd. There are 2 driveway entrances to this property where they sit and wait for speeders and those who pass (posted 35MPH and painted no passing zone the length of the road). Also sit in the transportation center driveway facing east to catch any one headed west at more than 35. Seen many persons caught here. Will be there at any time of day; early and late.
Central Avenue near Stegar Road
Central Ave is a wide open road with speed zone of 35mph Law Enforcment has a spot on the north side of rise to catch motorests as the brek of the top of the rise. Likes to catch workers from local bussiness in the are as they are heading home from work.
Monee Road near Exchange Road
On Monee Road just south of Excahnge University Park will sit either in the entrance to Pine Lake, or further south on a little parking area for gas pipe line service vehicles. The speed limit on this road is 55mph, but there are no speed limit signs.
State Highway Route 50 near State Highway Governor’s Highway
University Park, and Governor’s State University Police will sit on Governors Highway just south of the IDOT garage and run radar in both directions. Watch University Park, they have black and white patrol cars. Speed limit in that area is 55mph.