Urbana, Illinois Speed Traps

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Bradley Avenue west of Lincoln avenue

Urbana, IllinoisJun 04, 20030 Comments

Coming down Bradley avenue Westbound from Lincoln, you were doing 40, and you better slow to 30 immediately. The officers like to "hide" in the Church parking lot on the North side of Bradley avenue, "kitty corner" from Goodwin. This speed trap is deceptive because the road leading from Lincoln to Goodwin is essentially barren (gated community on the north, water treatment plant on the south side), and while 40 or even 45 would be reasonable, 30 is the limit.

Cunningham Avenue

Urbana, IllinoisJul 14, 20020 Comments

Cunningham Ave. is a favorite of Urbana Police-especially north of McDonalds on the side street, and in the parking lot of the Longhorn Smokehouse.

Ambucs Park on East University

Urbana, IllinoisJul 14, 20020 Comments

Driving West into Urbana on University avenue, speed limit drops from 45 to 40 m.p.h. When trees in bloom, the 40 m.p.h. sign is obstructed. Urbana Police sitting in Park (on North side of the street).

Cunningham Avenue

Urbana, IllinoisJul 14, 20020 Comments

S. Race St. between Florida and Windsor, there is a dirt access road on the west side of Race (between the Orchard Downs gardens and the cornfield) whe Urbana Police hide.

Lincoln Avenue (between Bradley and University)

Urbana, IllinoisMar 01, 20020 Comments

Urbana police will sit on a side street, just west of Lincoln Avenue, usually trying to catch southbound Lincoln Avenue traffic that is going into campus. The squad car is usually not noticable until AFTER you have been clocked (many trees and other obstructions can block the driver’s sight of the squad car).

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