Waterloo, Illinois Speed Traps

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State Highway 3 near North Market Street

Waterloo, IllinoisDec 20, 20070 Comments

Every single time I drive through Waterloo on State Highway 3 there’s a police cruiser either with someone pulled over or looking for someone to pull over. Be especially careful at the north end of town, where the speed limit drops to 45. It doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is, there will be a policeman watching as you drive through Waterloo.

route 3 Bypass near US Highway 156

Waterloo, IllinoisJan 25, 20040 Comments

when traveling south or north on rt 3 bipass, police sit at highway 156, and moore street. radio license plates to police set-up around large blind-bend. speed limit 45

anywhere in city limits

Waterloo, IllinoisDec 15, 20020 Comments

Current chief (ex-trooper) believes a cop isn’t working unless he is writing tickets, and warnings don’t count. Be aware.

Illinois Route 3 From north of city limitts to South Market Street.

Waterloo, IllinoisNov 06, 20021 Comments

Speed limit goes from 65MPH to 55MPH to 45MPH as you enter the city. Chief, a retired Illinois State Trooper, encourages officers to write citations and not warnings.

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