Beech Grove, Indiana Speed Traps

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72 southeastern Road near 7200 southeastern Road

Beech Grove, IndianaMar 22, 20051 Comments

Cop will hide his car on side street and will aim the gun at cars in the middle of the street-hiding behind cars as he pulls the over. Can and will cause a major accident. Fine is 150 dollars highway robbery.

Raymond Street near Sherman Drive

Beech Grove, IndianaJun 09, 20041 Comments

This is a fun one that IPD likes to do. For about a 2 mile stretch of Raymond Street, between Sherman and Emerson, they’ll get about 3 cars waiting in the shadows where there aren’t any street lights. The speed limit is 40 through here, so watch it when you go down the hill near Sherman Drive. I think they do it to deter drag racing on Friday and Saturday nights, mainly. Probably a good idea, its a nice open stretch of 4 and 6 lane divided.

Churchman Ave between Emerson Ave. and Ritter Ave.

Beech Grove, IndianaAug 29, 20020 Comments

This area is behind Beech Grove High School. So it not only has a speed limit of 25 mph, but also you can be given a $1000 speeding ticket. Beech Grove Police always show up at traffic court. I have seen many pulled over and ticketed.

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