Greensburg, Indiana Speed Traps

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E Co Rd 400

Greensburg, IndianaAug 03, 20200 Comments

County sheriff on right by red brick house.

Interstate 74 near State Route 46

Greensburg, IndianaJul 17, 20040 Comments

active today july 17 at 9 a.m. cst

State Highway 3 near When you leave the Greensburg limits and have to turn left to contiune on State Rd. 3

Greensburg, IndianaFeb 10, 20040 Comments

The officer was driving an un marked, and very nice Camaro. It’s nice to see our tax dollars well spent isn’t it? It should also be noted that the Greensburg police do not have a no contest or safe drive option, and they automaticaly set a court appearence date for one month after the ticket.

CR 300N (Stewart Rd.)

Greensburg, IndianaSep 03, 20030 Comments

This road is used by everyone in Northeast Decatur Co., and by people who live in the Connersville/Laurel area who work in Greensburg. State Police and local county units patrol the area looking for 65+ MPH. This road is freshly paved, and in the middle of nowhere but still dangerous. Watch Yourself.

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