Highland, Indiana Speed Traps

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Liable Road near Southridge School

Highland, IndianaMay 18, 20060 Comments

A squad car will sit in the parking lot of Sheppard Park and catch cars as they drive past the park behind Southridge School.

Martha Street near Indianapolis Boulevard

Highland, IndianaMar 20, 20060 Comments

police have been patrolling martha street west of 41 watching for anybody going over the speed limit of 20 m.p.h. or not coming to a complete stop at the stop sign at Southmoore

US Highway 6 near Ridge Road

Highland, IndianaApr 22, 20050 Comments

From the bridge by wicker park to broad street on u.s.6 ( RIDGE RD.)highland police are useing x-band radar, Patrols are heavier at nite between the hours of 10PM and5AM be carefull.

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