Johnson, Indiana Speed Traps

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County wide Street

Johnson, IndianaAug 01, 20070 Comments

2 new unmarked Dodge Chargers one red and one silver used by County Sherriff’s department

County Line 1100 North Road near Shelby Street

Johnson, IndianaApr 10, 20050 Comments

Be Carefull when traveling on County Line road between Shelby and State Road 135. The Johnson County Sheriffs love this area. They use unmarked vehicles with radar capable of zapping your car head on….so you never see it coming.

County Line Road near Combs Road

Johnson, IndianaDec 07, 20040 Comments

State cop sits on Countyline Road facing East just outside the Right shoulder. There are no street lights in that immediate area, so watch out! I almost got caught while he was sitting there one night. The only reason I saw him was I had my bright lights on and they shined on his reflective decals on the vehicle. So be careful. I bought a Bel Radar detector the next day.

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