Matthews, Indiana Speed Traps

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Southbound County Road 950 East

Matthews, IndianaApr 18, 20020 Comments

As you approach town from the north there will be a right hand turn. This is where the speed limit drops from 55 to 45. After the turn there is a valley and bridge where there is very little development for about half a mile, and you can see the town at the crest of the next hill. It is very tempting to go back up to speed after the turn, but the speed limit is just 45 and there’s a cop at the far crest of the road waiting to catch you. As the hill climbs the limit drops to 35 and the hill levels off quickly so it’s hard to see him. Hasn’t gotten me yet but I have been glared at a couple times. At one point someone spray-painted "cop at top of hill" in the road right after the curve, but that disappeared quickly.

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