Mount Vernon, Indiana Speed Traps

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State Highway 62 near Posey/Vanderburgh county line

Mount Vernon, IndianaJul 28, 20070 Comments

In the east bound lanes of Indiana 62 between Evansville In. and Mt.Vernon In. on a curve at the Posey/Vanderburgh county line there is a gentle curve to the leFort During late morning hours (8-11 a.m.) the shoulder is in shadow. On reasonably clear days, a state police motorcycle will park on the shoulder in the open but in shadow and will have a perfect view of cars clearing the curve. There is no warning from Lidar detectors. He often doesn’t even need to move but turns on his lights and motions the drivers to pull over. On rare occasions, he will move to the west bound lanes but usually is on the east bound side. Due to the angle of the sun, times may vary. Other locations along the road get occasional enforcement (starting at $115 and going up) but this is a very common place for the motorcycle. Keep in mind, on this stretch of road, the speedometer signs do not agree from one side to the other. Just before this location, a 55 sign is placed while it is 60 on the other side of the road. This appears to capitalize on one sign.

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