Muncie, Indiana Speed Traps

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North Tillotson Avenue near Bethel Avenue

Muncie, IndianaDec 22, 20070 Comments

Most all Ball State University Police cars have radar and this is a primary loop around the university. Also part of Muncie PD district 3. BSU runs most of the traffic on Tillotson and is not known for warning tickets.

12th Street near Delawanda Street

Muncie, IndianaDec 22, 20070 Comments

School Zone in the a.m. and Muncie Police Traffic Division makes for the school zone infraction due to the time of day children are there. 20mph school zone speed.

North Walnut Street near McGalliard Street

Muncie, IndianaDec 22, 20070 Comments

Walnut if 4 lane’s and is posted as a 30mph zone. Muncie Police have Traffic Enforcement Units and they are marked as such under the drivers doors. They hide along Walnut in business parking lots North and South.

State Highway 67 North near E. Memorial Road

Muncie, IndianaOct 13, 20040 Comments

Going North on State Road # 67 from Interstate # 69. Starting out from about County Road 700 West, the State Police will run in the left lane and form a rolling roadblock. They will cluster up traffic for about 6-7 miles, then exit off on Meeker. The next exit is Memorial about 1.7 miles away, this is where a laser unit will be waiting for the first one to appear after a long lull in traffic.

st road 332 off I 69

Muncie, IndianaAug 29, 20020 Comments

Cops often wait off of the county roads past either the bridge or turn so you cant spot them until its too late. They intermitently enforce the 55 mph limit on this road and its easy to go faster as you usually are on 4 lane hwy and are going pretty quick.

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