New Albany, Indiana Speed Traps

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market street

New Albany, IndianaNov 06, 20140 Comments

whole street has 25 mile speed limit because of one curve around war memorial cops set along street 24 7 no warnings just tickets

I 64 West at mile marker 119.2 and sometimes 117.4

New Albany, IndianaSep 08, 20141 Comments

We commute and almost every morning they have someone stopped. 80% are trucks.

265 after entering from I64East

New Albany, IndianaJul 17, 20131 Comments

cops are frequently seen in Median areas where there is a road between ( for easy turn either way ) they are particularly hot here! and actually from I64 exit 118 on down it drops to 55 and police can be seen all along this corridor. (including 265bypass towards Jeffersonville).

I-65 just leaving Louisville coming north into Indiana

New Albany, IndianaApr 22, 20110 Comments

Plain car cop in a black Mustang, of all things, flashed his lights, and pulled over a guy right in front of us. Couldn’t believe it when a uniformed cop got out for the citation.

Anywhere on Main St.

New Albany, IndianaApr 01, 20110 Comments

Cop cars constantly hiding on side streets looking for the slightest infraction over 30 mph

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