New Carlisle, Indiana Speed Traps

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New Carlisle Town Limits

New Carlisle, IndianaMay 02, 20170 Comments

The speed limit drops from 55, to 45, 35, to 25 in a very short distance coming into the town of New Carlisle (from both the East and West sides of town). There is usually one if not two unmarked police cars sitting either ‘hidden’ behind the Fire station sign, or often parked in a regular parking spot. The town literally has only one stop light, it’s a small town, but is known for it’s speed trap.

new Carlisle Indiana highway us 20

New Carlisle, IndianaOct 02, 20140 Comments

on us highway 20. speed drops from 45mph to 35mph and the cops back in on a dirt road point the guns. so you are coasting to slow down you wont be under the limit in time and you cant see them unless you look up the dirt road

State Road 2- Quince Road to Bendix Woods

New Carlisle, IndianaMar 24, 20100 Comments

This area is patroled by State Police in marked & unmarked cars. Weekends and evenings mostly. 6 to 9 pm is the worst.

US 20 East of Laporte County Line

New Carlisle, IndianaApr 03, 20020 Comments

The department uses both fully marked and unmarked patrol cars. Some cars are equiped with only RADAR and some use RADAR, VASCAR and one has a laser. Beating a ticket is almost impossible all officers are highly trained and apparently certified in all of the enforcement techniques. Officers always show up to court, I was told to take a ticket to court and the officer would not show up…this IS NOT TRUE.

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