Paoli, Indiana Speed Traps

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State Highway 150 East

Paoli, IndianaMay 07, 20090 Comments

The Speed limit is 45mph coming down the hill by the golf course. Then Changes to 35mph. Town police set at the top of the hill, by the grave yard. They catch ya comin in and out of town.

State Highway 150 East near Tater Road

Paoli, IndianaMay 24, 20070 Comments

Coming down both hills east or west in the valley, the speed limit is 55mph. Then the straight stretch between the two hills is a passing zone, but the speed limit is 50mph. County Cops usually set on the south side of the highway.

State Highway 150 East

Paoli, IndianaMay 24, 20070 Comments

The Speed limit is 45mph coming down the hill by the golf course. Then Changes to 35mph. Town police set at the top of the hill, by the grave yard. They catch ya comin in and out of town.

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