Pittsboro, Indiana Speed Traps

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County Road E 475 North of US 136

Pittsboro, IndianaNov 11, 20100 Comments

The speed limit is 30 MPH north of the railroad tracks until Wall Street. Pittsboro police sit off this road at one of two new additions entrances. Also, some of the speed limit signs were stolen so you might think the speed limit is 50 MPH. And when you turn West on Wall Street you have to be careful. They can be waiting there as well.

Jeff Gordon Pkwy

Pittsboro, IndianaOct 10, 20100 Comments

The cops will sit at the truck stop, and clock you going north toward I-74. They will also sit on the bypass that Jeff Gordon Pkwy T’s into, and watch you not come to a complete stop, and ticket you there. This is more common than the first, trust me. They sit off to the west, and at night with no lights out there, you can’t see them ’til you turn, and it’s too late.

South Maple Street

Pittsboro, IndianaApr 23, 20100 Comments

The Pittsboro Police sometimes sit in the church parking lot, the speed limit is 25 MPH. One time I saw them sitting right near the hill, where they will catch you coming over the hill too fast. I have seen several people get caught on this road, so be careful!!!!!!! Once you come over that hill and you see them sitting there it is already too late!

Main St/US136

Pittsboro, IndianaMar 16, 20031 Comments

Pittsboro police patrol the town from new housing additions on the East to business park on the West. Heavy action on weekend nights. Watch out race fans, all these towns on the way to the Indy 500 or Brickyard 400 or Raceway Park (Pittsboro, Brownsburg, Clermont, Speedway) will pull you over.

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