Colfax, Iowa Speed Traps
US Highway 17 near Interstate 80
The officer will sit in the Cattle barn parking lot, or in the deserted Monroe Tables parkin glot on the south side of the building. When you come over the bridge it jumps from a 50 to a 25 in less than a block. Anyone who lives in the area know this trick all too well.
Interstate 80 West near Interstate 80 West
There are multiple cars unmarked and marked alongside roadways and on road. have seen numerous people pulled over
State Highway 117 near Casey’s General Store
The cops in this town really like to give everyone with a polk county plate a hard time. The local was picked on alot as a kid and now he is back for some revenge. I am 19 years old and i have NEVER recieved a speeding ticked that wasnt a simple warning outside of COLFAX, IOWA… The law enforcement is rediclousely packed in this small community, the will and do pull you over for absolutely anything. A tire is too bald..theres $25 out of your pocket and perhaps you were making a simple ther and back trip…They will find something to write you up for, and will likely search your vehicle if you dont have jasper county plates.