Keokuk, Iowa Speed Traps

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State Highway 149 near State Highway 92

Keokuk, IowaNov 09, 20070 Comments

2 new Hiway Patrol men in area. Running this county very hard & heavy. Giving tickets for 0-5 miles over the speed limit.
No mercy to any one.

south 7th Street near US Highway 61 &136

Keokuk, IowaJun 29, 20050 Comments

The officers have several places that they hide with their radar on.They clock you speeding then radio another squad car and that officer writes the ticket.

crossing the bridge into Hamilton

Keokuk, IowaApr 30, 20020 Comments

A Hamilton police officer will be standing behind a sign on the bridge, just past the state line. A pack a squad cars will be waiting at the end of the bridge near the railraod tracks to issue tickets.

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