Lisbon, Iowa Speed Traps
Highway 30, Lisbon, Iowa
If you pass threw Lisbon Iowa late at night you will be stopped by the local police. They will say you are “driving erratically”. Then they will give you all the OWI tests. Do not answer any of there questions–that is what I did and after 45 minutes, intentionally failing there “walk the line test” and blowing into there hand held device thee times with a 00 reading each time they let me go.
7 years later I got a different car and first time threw town late at night he again stopped me with the same “driving erratically”. I handed him my license and said not one word, and he must have remembered me because he handed back my license and without a word got in his car and drove away.
US Highway 30
The local police sit off the side of the road in a hunting blind. They are equipped with a laser and battery operated hand held radar gun. The speed limit is 35 mph. There is a flashing light by the school. Drivers beware.
Hwy 30 going thru town
Speed limit drops to 35 mph when yellow lights (school zone) are flashing. police hide behind a town sign out of site. If you are going 8 over you will get a ticket for 8 over. They give no slack.