Mechanicsville, Iowa Speed Traps
U.S. Highway 30
City police will often sit to the south of highway 30 within the city limits, where the speed limit has already dropped from 55 down to 45. They’re usually located in the lot of a used car dealer on the south side of the highway, parking their car in a way that it easily blends in with the cars that are there for display. They can get you from the front or behind. They have both in-car and handheld radar to chose from, so they can be almost anywhere south of the highway. It’s definately easy for them to get a lot of customers. While going through, pay your utmost attention. Careless drivers beware!! Have heard that they are nice enough to not ticket everyone they stop, however if you’re going beyond their level of tolerance, you will be guaranteed to drive away with a ticket in your hand.