Tama, Iowa Speed Traps
1/2 mile after the 2nd eastbound Tama Exit at M ave
Officers sit in the hollow just after the 2nd Eastbound Tama exit. They will stop you for as little as 5 miles over.
US Highway 63 South near OHV Park
Every weekend during the summer when something is going on at the new OHV park people get pulled over at the rate of as much as 6 per hour. The speed drops from 65mph to 35mph as soon as you pop over the river bridge and by the time you see the new speed limit sign it’s too late.
Highway 63 on North Side of Iowa River Bridge
A Tama car likes to sit on the NorthWest shoulder of the Iowa River Bridge that is on Highway 63. The Speed changes from 55 to 45 just before the bridge.
US Highway 30
Tama/Toledo Police sit at all entrances to the two cities where the speed limit changes from 55 to 45 as well as 45 to 35. Enforcement is high for all traffic violations in addition to speeding. Have your insurance up-to-date, or else your car is towed on the spot. Toledo uses gold-color cars (like the State Patrol) so they’re sort of hard to spot. Tama, uses white Impala’s and a Chevy Blazer. Slick tops (no light bars) are in full force as well through-out the city… Usually 4 to 5 officers on at a time after 3:00 pm. Be Cautious !!
Highway 30
At the edge of both towns city limits, and business parking lot along hiway and uses both citys cars at times. all night long and thru the day.speed drops from 55 to 45 then to 55 and back down to 45 and then 35 in short distance.sometimes only allowed 3 or 4 over limit.Also Jake break law is used.