Fort Riley, Kansas Speed Traps

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Custer Road near 1st Divison Road

Fort Riley, KansasJul 26, 20070 Comments

The MP’s on bike patrol have a battery powered radar gun that they use in the housing area. 1 MP sits behind structures and the other MP is approx 2 blocks down the road.

Wiliston Point Road near Anywhere on that Road

Fort Riley, KansasApr 16, 20070 Comments

The MP’s will travel and sit along Wiliston point which is 35 mph the entire length. They thrive on civilians more than soldiers.

Tooper Drive near Jackson Road

Fort Riley, KansasApr 16, 20070 Comments

The MP’s will travel and sit alongside Trooper Drive where the speed limit changes from 30 mph to 45 mph as vehicles speed up for the higher speed limit they do pull you over.

trooper rd

Fort Riley, KansasNov 29, 20020 Comments

a federal installation where the military police take speeding very serious due to the fact of irresponsible soldiers on this post.

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