Goddard, Kansas Speed Traps
HWY K54 West-bound, 2 blocks west of Sonic, north side of road on undeveloped property
The Goddard policeman sits in that vacant lot, 2 blocks west of Sonic for hours at a time waiting to someone to speed by him. Everyone gets really familiar with that trap and slows down from 70mph to 50 within 1 block. Other people who think they can drive 51 or 52 through Goddard find out that hard way – they get a ticket. The policeboy there also has been seen eating his lunch while the person waits for his ticket, making them wait in their car until he finishes lunch – sometimes 45 minutes. The people who live there are not very friendly at all and get ticketed too since everyone dislikes everyone else – it’s a really snotty town and the cops are nasty. Just watch for the Goddard sign when you are coming into town from either direction and SLOW DOWN to 50 like the sign says and you will be fine.