Laharpe, Kansas Speed Traps

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Main NorthSouth Street near 54Hwy to South City Limit

Laharpe, KansasJul 03, 20050 Comments

This is truly a dead town but there’s a cop left that doesn’t think so. The speed limit through town is 20mph and if you are doing 21 he’ll ticket you. This trap is crazy for too many reasons to list here. Do yourself a favor: There’s a new road south of LaHarpe about 3 miles or so that’ll bypass LaHarpe and Gas City and get you to Iola, 169 or wherever else your headed.

US Highway 54 near US Highway 169

Laharpe, KansasJun 08, 20050 Comments

This is a small town with a pop of about 700 that is seven miles east of the US 54 – US 169 junction. The city has two officers that prey on the traveling public. They usually set on the North side of the highway catching the driver when they hit the 55 mph sign and any speed over that posted is subject to a fine.

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