Marysville, Kansas Speed Traps

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2 miles East of Marysville on Hwy 36

Marysville, KansasDec 01, 20101 Comments

Speed limit drops from 65 to 50 mph East of Wal Mart on Hwy 36 Police hide behind a dance hall building.

State Highway 36 near US Highway 36

Marysville, KansasOct 20, 20071 Comments

Upon entering the small town of Marysville Ks the speed limit is reduced rapidly from 65 to 30 mph in about a 1/2 mile distance and begins the 30mph limit well outside the city limits. I have received a ticket and know two other drivers who have received one between the speed limit signs i.e 53mph in a 45 just as you reach or pass the 45mph sign.I feel the enforcement is overzealous.

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