Meade, Kansas Speed Traps
NE side of Meade on Hwy 54
I have passed through a lot of cities going to AZ in past 5 years. I haven’t had a ticket in 30 years, Meade was an exception, on SE side the speed limit was 35 mph, in town 25 mph, NE side 35mph, down s steep hill a car goes faster, that’s where he waits, This is a set up. Watch yourselves, the ‘Dalton Gang’ is still alive in Meade Kansas.
State Highway 54
The 35 mph limit is extended a long ways N.E. of town on Hwy. 54. An officer sits in a white pickup, with minimal markings and close to where limit changes to 55 mph and writes tickets for 35 zone. I know of two other people that were ticketed at this location.
State Highway 54
35 mile limit is extended a long ways N.E. of town on Hwy. 54, officer sits in a white pickup, with minimal markings and close to where limit changes to 55 mph. and writes tickets for 35 zone, know of two other people that were ticketed at this location, and they were from further away also.