Nickerson, Kansas Speed Traps
High school and/or Fire Station Parking lot W. edge of K96.
They like to hide in the parking lot of Nickerson High School Gym parking lot or in the parking lot of the Fire Station on the West edge of town on K96. They like to get you coming and going.
State Highway 96 near South of Main Street across from church
City Police set south of main faceing north behind some evergreen trees. You head south on 96 and see the 65 MPH sign and speed up they bust you it is 30 MPH until the sign. They think it is big joke too. Funny.
Local Police will park behind Cedar trees on South side of town at the speed reduction on K-96. Speed drops abruptly from 65 to 35. Will also park across from stop sign for the K-96 left turn and monitor for full stop. Will also ticket for headlights, taillights, ect.