Thayer, Kansas Speed Traps
Highway 169 coming into/out of Thayer
This is a 2010 update that cops are still busting at the point on either side of Thayer where the speed limit goes from 65 to 35 or vice versa. The city limits to the north are WAY out there, so you have to stay at 35 for a ridiculous distance. The new 4-lane highway skirts the edge of town where there are just railroad tracks to the east and only a couple of businesses to the west, so having a 65 to 35 mph speed limit seems unreasonable under the circumstances. I was the last car in a traffic flow that slowed down to 45 going through “town” then got up to 50 heading out of town – busted! It was the Sunday night after Christmas weekend, so the cop was making lots of money off suckers like me. $118!!!!!
US Highway 169 near Neosho Avenue
They sit on the West side in the parking lot of the Fire Dept.
State Highway 169 near north of highway 400 about 30 miles
The speed limit changes from 55mph to 35mph in 10 feet anf the cop is setting across the street behind a old gas pump.