Tonganoxie, Kansas Speed Traps

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Downtown just east of traffic light

Tonganoxie, KansasDec 30, 20190 Comments

Local police hide on north side of road on Main Street. I observed an officer pull over 3 different vehicles along Main Street within about 30 minutes. We were only in town briefly to eat lunch. We joked about whether we would be able to get out of town without getting a ticket. We will be avoiding the downtown area for the near future.

State Highway 24/40

Tonganoxie, KansasMar 30, 20063 Comments

City police sit in an empty lot at the "big curve" on hwy 24/40 at Smiley Road. Speed limit goes from 50 to 40 to 30 in a very short distance. I live nearby and have been pulled over twice recently, once for a burned out light and once for going 8 mph over.

(Hwy 24/40 – State Ave.)

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