Carlisle, Kentucky Speed Traps

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State Route 68 near State Route 68 – MarkMahok Auction

Carlisle, KentuckyMar 21, 20080 Comments

03.19am , traveling south on 68 driving a Government Van w/gov lisence plates to deliver a Veteran patient to the Louisville VAMC for a serious appointment I was pulled over being clocked a 77 in a 55 zone. I am not contesting that. There were no other vehicles on the road which was streight and dry pavement and clear night.. The Patrolman ask for the usual, Lic,reg, ins card. Produced the Lic and no other. I tried to explain to the officer that Government Vehicles do not have Registration and Insurance papers as they are self insured. He would not accept that answer and proceded to write the ticket. 22 miles over the posted speed limit 55, no insurance and registration. I could not convince him that as a Vounteer Driver I had no control over how Government policies work. That if I did not produce the said paperwork I would be fined dbl court costs. Most speed limits are 70 on the interstates and I adhere to these limits but I did slip up. This was my first ticket. I have 150.000 miles on record driving Veterans to various hospitals and no violations. I will pay up no problem. According to the patrolman all Gov Vehicles are supposed to have on board registration and insurance cards. I just couldn’t explain it to him but I guess that they needed the money.(There was no professional Courtesy) and I did everything by the book. Court costs 138.00 49.00 over 22. (Carlisle – Nicholas County)


State Highway 32 near Henryville/CME Church

Carlisle, KentuckyDec 22, 20070 Comments

Police conceal themselves on the East side of CME Chruch on Pickrell St. and in front of the old "Crow’s Nest" in Henryville. You are most likely to be targeted when heading West as the speed limit changes quickly form 55 mph, to 45 mph, to 35 mph in the specified target area. Although you could be hit coming East on Broadway heading out of town on SR 32 if you accelerate too quickly in the flats because the 35 mph zone extends well beyond heavily domiciled areas. Patrol is constant.

US Highway 68 near Near Sexton Farm and at Shell in Carlisle

Carlisle, KentuckyNov 26, 20070 Comments

As you pass the traffic Islands going to Carlisle there are several traps. One is located directly at the islands. One is right before you get to the Sexton Farm. The speed limit goes from 55 to 40 then back to 35. The 40 and 35 signs are posted under other highway information.

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