Eddyville, Kentucky Speed Traps

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State Highway I 24 near State Route 293 exit 45

Eddyville, KentuckyOct 30, 20070 Comments

law enforcement will sit on the bridge and take radar and have up to 6 cars as chasers

Interstate 24 Eastbound near Exit Number 45

Eddyville, KentuckyJul 05, 20050 Comments

Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement Officers, (approximately 10). One sits on the overpass shooting radar at on coming eastbound traffic. The other KVE officers sit on the on ramp at I-24 Eastbound and pull vehicles over based on the radar readings of the officer on the overpass. This activity is most notable during major holiday enforcement periods such as Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day holidays.

Interstate 24 Eastbound near Exit Number 56

Eddyville, KentuckyDec 01, 20030 Comments

Cops will have one car on an overpass, a hill blocks your view until the last moment. This one will call the others who are hidden just off the highway and tell them which car to stop. They will have 6 or more units involved and seem to target out of state travelers. Speed drops to 65, and below, in this area and not all areas have the speed clearly posted. I witnessed 8 other, out of state, vehicles get pulled over and ticketed. All of this was in the 5 minutes it took them to give me a bad photocopy of the court info and a ticket that I didnt have to sign. They charge a $110.50 "fee" for doing anything "wrong" PLUS your fine. Definate money maker for the town of Eddyville. They were out both times we drove through, and they had the system down.

I-24 exit 56. east and west

Eddyville, KentuckySep 01, 20010 Comments

Officer sits on overpass and shoots oncoming traffic. After you pass the exit other officers pull you over. The transfer of info between the officer that shoots the laser and the officers that pull you over is not always correct. Thay get the colors and makes mixed up and pull over the wrong cars. My white Dodge has now turned blue according to KSP.

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