Franklin, Kentucky Speed Traps

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Crossroads at the Gold City store

Franklin, KentuckyMay 21, 20100 Comments

Always on holidays and speratically through the week a state trooper or city cop sits in the parking lot with lights off. There a 3 stop signs here, Come to a COMPLETE STOP each time because you can not see the cop parked beside the store.

North Street near Going to the City Park

Franklin, KentuckyMay 08, 20080 Comments

As soon as you turn off North Main St. on to North St. the police are sitting on the left hand side in about 4 places. First is at the old Dracket plant. Second is about a 4th of a mile on down in a lot beside a house. Third is in a lot at the corner of North St. & Black Jack Rd.(Ruleys car lot). Forth is just as you cross 1008 going toward the City Park they are sitting off to the leFort All of these are within a mile and a half stretch of road.

*****When there is a ball game going on at the the Park they usually work in pairs, one clocks you as you go by an the other is waiting for you at one of the other loactions on the road.*********


40094 Bypass near North Street

Franklin, KentuckyMay 08, 20080 Comments

Speed trap is located at north street and 10-08 1 cop with no lights on always sitting there at dark.


1008 Road near North Street

Franklin, KentuckyNov 07, 20070 Comments

police sit in parking lot of closed down factory, between North street and Blackjack road on state road 1008. The speed limit changes from 55mph to 45mph to 35mph within a 1/2 mile stretch.

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