Scottsville, Kentucky Speed Traps

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State Highway 231 near Allen/Warren County Line

Scottsville, KentuckyMay 20, 20080 Comments

Be Very Cautious on the New 231 Highway that connects Bowling Green and Scottsville. Constantly there are 2-3 State Troopers, A few County Patrolmen, and a Kentucky DOT on the Highway. Speed Limits are 55mph.


31-East Bypass near Bowling Green Road

Scottsville, KentuckyApr 05, 20080 Comments

This is a new Road, less then 3 years old that has a faster way into Bowling Green from Scottsville if you do not get caught. In order to pay for this road it seems to stay covered with police in little hide-outs along the way. They have to pay for the new road somehow I guess our taxes are not enough. Use caution!


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