Warsaw, Kentucky Speed Traps

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US Highway 42 near US Highway 127

Warsaw, KentuckyAug 26, 20070 Comments

Warsaw County and Warsaw City Police ticket approximately 50 a week from Highway 127 at Sugar Creek to the Markland Damn on US 42. The speed limit is 45 to Warsaw, then 35 through the city of Warsaw. They sit in driveways, and on side streets and use radar most of the time. This is a big revenue for the county – and often they pull you over for "weaving" and ticket you. Also, on the new road built from I-71 to the Markland Damn (Exit 55), which takes you to Indiana to Belterra, they have cops sitting on that too, as it is a very straight highway and it is easy to go over the 55 mile speed limit.
(Warsaw – Gallatin County)


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