Wilder, Kentucky Speed Traps

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Licking Pike and Banklick

Wilder, KentuckyMay 17, 20160 Comments

Police are sitting right in this area along side of the road almost anytime of the day. Speed limit is 55 but drops down at 275 and Fredricks Landing. Wilder police in all black cruisers always here

State Highway AA near State Route 27

Wilder, KentuckyFeb 14, 20080 Comments

Unmarked police cars state and local will come up behind you in traffic will climbing or descending the long, steep hill from Wilder to Rt 27 and pull you over. The road is marked 45 from I-275 to the Shell station then turns to 55 on east… it is hard to do 55 on a 4 lane hwy, and hard to slow to 45 at the bottom of the hill. There have been "announced" crack downs in the past, but there is always enforcement in the area AA Highway is 55 most of it’s length but many do 65 and more.

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