Alexandria, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Entering I-49 headed South on the South edge of town

Alexandria, LouisianaApr 28, 20030 Comments

We spent the night in Alexandria and were leaving town about 8:30. Traffic was non existent. I was the 3rd car, in the outside lane, in a string of cars entering I-49 going south. Patrol car parked on the right side of the entrance ramp. Other cars were LA cars while I was out-of-state. The two LA cars were passing me on the inside lane when we passed the patrol car. We were all traveling 5+ miles over the speed limit. I was stopped and when I ask why I, the slower car, was stopped, the response was, "We can’t get ’em all." Cost the out-of-state motorist more than $150. Real speeders (LA plates) – $0!

Last time I’ll stop there!

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