Causeway Bridge, Louisiana Speed Traps

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South End of Southbound Span

Causeway Bridge, LouisianaApr 19, 20100 Comments

35 mph limit exiting bridge is clearly posted. You’d have to really not be paying attention to get stopped here, but it’s a huge danger to motorists exiting the bridge to have a cop jump out and wave them over. Everyone has to stand on their brakes when the offending motorist brakes suddenly because of over-zealous officers at the end of the bridge.

Causeway Bridge

Causeway Bridge, LouisianaJul 01, 20030 Comments

When traveling on the bridge police use muli-directional ka band radars at the crossovers to enforce a 55mph speed limit and when exiting the bridge on the south from 55mph to 35mph and on the north from 55mph to 45mph they also enforce at the south toll plaza a strict 20mph from 35mph northbound. watch the sky for airplanes and officers on the platforms in the lake with speed laser guns when you see them it is already to late.

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