Forest Hill, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Between I-49 and State Hwy 165 on Hwy 112

Forest Hill, LouisianaOct 27, 20200 Comments

Cop sits in a little hole on the left ON 112 headed to 165. The speed limit drops from 45 to 35, as soon as you cross the 35 mph sign he’s on you. If your traveling on 112 going north to 49 the speed limit is 35 then you see the 45 sign and as you speed up to start doing 45 he gets you. All you see from the road is the top of his white Ford Explorer. The fines are well over the state laws. 10 to 15 over is 210 bucks, traffic court requires you to wear a suit.

Coming off 165 heading towards I-49 on HWY 112

Forest Hill, LouisianaOct 16, 20200 Comments

Driving on HWY 112 the speed limit is 35, then it changes to 45. cop hides right at the 45 mph sign, says I’m doing 55 in a 35, I say the sign says 45. He says I’m not going to argue. I asked him how he clocked me, claims radar, I show him my Cobra radar detector tell him he’s lying my radar never alerted, he says my radar is broken. Two cars in front of me driving same speed, I’m out of town he stops me. Hwy 112 is a state hwy and no reason to be 35 mph other that to generate revenue for a struggling dump of a town.

LA-112 east of I-49 and within 2 miles of US-165

Forest Hill, LouisianaSep 17, 20200 Comments

2-lane rural highway with an excessively long 35mph zone where the town collected ***75.5% of their revenue in 2018 with speeding tickets***.

Between I-49 and Hwy 112

Forest Hill, LouisianaJan 31, 20200 Comments

Rural route that suddenly changes from 55mph to 45 then 35mph, with no reasonable safety explanation, Baton Rouge Morning Advocate reports it is in the
top ten worst speed traps in Louisiana, and that it gets 75% of its revenue from tickets and fines. I will never go there again and local businesses should realize it is hurting them.

Hwy 112

Forest Hill, LouisianaOct 18, 20190 Comments

Best way to describe this area, a speed roller coaster! They prey on “out of towners” because they don’t know the roads and won’t show up to court to dispute it. I’m 52 and this is the first ticket i have ever gotten.

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