Glenmora, Louisiana Speed Traps

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US Highway 165 near coffee shop just south of town

Glenmora, LouisianaApr 12, 20061 Comments

Patrolman sits in parking lot of cafe about 40 ft off the road and appears to target out of state vehicles going to/from the casino just north of Glenmora on US165 and the casino in Kinder (south of Glenmora).

US Highway 165 S near Allen Parish Line

Glenmora, LouisianaFeb 24, 20040 Comments

The police in this town prey on out-of-towners. They follow all cars with out of state license plates. Beware of town police inside town limits and parish sheriffs and state troopers all the way down to the Allen Parish line.

Hwy 165, 8 miles south of notorious speedtrap at Woodworth which is 8 miles south of Alexandria

Glenmora, LouisianaFeb 01, 20010 Comments

Once a friendly Cajun Country road of 80 miles from I-10 to Alexandria. Now an unfriendly risk for travelers. Because of casinos that have created economic improvement along Hwy 165, law enforcement has turned to preying upon unsuspecting folks with strategic signage & officers who prey for law-abiding folks who they know they can shake down. Glenmora is a notorious trap with officers who know every Supreme Court issue that gives them authority to seize your license & lock you up if you even question them on your rights. It’s a no-win for travelers & this traveler encourages you to stay away from Hwy 165. Use I-49.

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