Golden Meadow, Louisiana Speed Traps

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All 4 country miles

Golden Meadow, LouisianaJul 09, 20180 Comments

WELL, back in April I was passing through on a Sunday relaxed thinking about my fishing trip I was about to enjoy. I was following another car through this small no-horse town and out of nowhere I have a cop on my number so fast I could not see the hood of his cute little SUV. He must have been hiding behind the speed limit sign and nailed me for 59 mph in a 50. In the other 49 states this would probably be a warning and good luck but this officer, I hope you never meet him because he has no personality and probably the rudest inconsiderate officer I’ve ever met. He had the audacity to also scratch a ticket for following too close, yet didn’t stop the “Louisiana” state driver I was following…..this was interesting as I was ticketed for “Speeding” ……No way to talk to the judge, no way to work out the tickets for reduction unless you pay additional fee to go to court. If you win the case you get your “fee” back but if you are unlucky as I was and probably you will get a second ticket (one that’s tougher to beat) with this being said, if you don’t win both (all charges) you still pay the fee. This is how they get you! The officer never told me what I did, never gave “clear” instructions on what to do, just said read the back lol. Word on the street the local attorneys are all related or in the click with the judges and officials and recommend not wasting time on representation. I got a kick reading some of the other stories from this decayed town and figured my $300 ticket wasn’t so bad after all. It’s obvious this no horse town can do what they want within there boundaries and if you have an out of state tag expect to get stopped for something. Could be 1-3 mph over/under the speed limit or it Could be bird droppings on your windshield obstructing your view but be prepared to get a ticket you can’t fight for some reason or more! They do have a payment plan so I made them wait 3 months before getting all my money…..rather them spread the rations out over the 3 months than hitting the Buffet right away! This is my story and it’s the TRUTH!

Absolutely Ridiculous!!!

Golden Meadow, LouisianaFeb 19, 20180 Comments

I was driving from Walker, LA to Grand Isle, LA for a weekend getaway. This was my first time traveling to Grand Isle and coming through Golden Meadow around 12:30 AM i was cruising 75 mph in a 45 mph and got pulled over that was completely understandable, I was driving too fast, but I also wasnt very familiar with the area! Officer was not very polite as I had to wait 20 to 30 minutes for him to write me 8 tickets, but theres a problem! I understand the speeding, expired inspection sticker, illegal Modified exhaust, and the license plate being placed on my back window instead of on my bumper, but what i dont understand and will not understand is the no fender flares cause my tires stick out 2 inches, the one crack in the windshield, the driving in the left lane and the mind blowing dirty side mirror!!! Like are you kidding me ?? A dirty side mirror that you, me, the officer, and Ray Charles could see perfectly through! Absolutely the most ridiculous citations and unpleasant officer Ive ever dealt with! Didnt even give me the chance to apologize or the common courtesy of a warning for the small and simple things especially with not being from the area and traveling through the area for my first time! Great way to make a first impression! Something should definitely be done about this! I guess some people were never taught how to be polite or courteous to others! Something should be done about the lack of respect for people and teach the officers how to respect people traveling though the area.

Highway 3235

Golden Meadow, LouisianaDec 15, 20170 Comments

Same as others have mentioned. An absolute trap. I will NEVER spend another cent in this ignorant so-called town. Same ticket, 58 in a 50, no warning sign and driving in left lane, what? From out of state. Someone in this state needs to DO SOMETHING!!

Before even entering Golden Meadow

Golden Meadow, LouisianaApr 25, 20170 Comments

Me and my cousins were on a trip New Orleans and thought it would be fun to drive to the bottom of Louisiana. It was a good time until we came into the town of Golden Meadow. Correcting the outskirts of Golden Meadow. We were pulled over before we even entered town and were asked for license, registration, and the title to the vehicle. Yes the TITLE to me vehicle. Being from Minnesota I thought maybe its a LA thing..its not. I figured he pulled me over for having out of state plats as many cops do that everywhere. When I asked why he pulled me over he said I was going 58 in a 50 and driving in the left lane with out passing or yielding to an emergency/ law enforcement vehicle. He then gave me a ticket with no dollar amount on it and when I asked how much it was he said I could go look it up online. He was very rude and didn’t care that I was from out of state and clearly not from the area. In my mind he saw out of state plates and saw an easy target. I got a ticket for $350 with a $17.50 service fee, the reasons being “speeding 58 in a 50” and “driving in left lane.” Next time I’ll research traffic laws before I go on vacation.

Hwy 3235 anywhere near golden meadow LA

Golden Meadow, LouisianaApr 19, 20170 Comments

These cops will follow you until you go at least 3 mph over. I was busted for 58 in a 50. I was not going more than 55. They give you a citation with no dollar amount. They poach out of state plates because they know you can’t fight them. They will not change court dates. They will not work with you on payment plans to pay the ticket. Getting a lawyer to fight it is the only way. Corrupt little one horse town. Avoid it at all costs. 8 over will cost your $185

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