Henderson, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Interstate I-10 near Exit Number Between Exit 121 & 115

Henderson, LouisianaJun 02, 20081 Comments

Although it isn’t marked, Henderson incorporated a small portion of I-10 approximately 5 miles from exit 121 heading west just as you are coming off of the swamp bridge. My problem is that there is no direct way for the Henderson city police to get there, they have to leave their original city limits to get back into their new city limits. Make no mistake, money is the primary issue for the Henderson government, NOT saftey. I’d be pretty offended if I were the St. Martin Parish Sheriff’s Department ot the Louisiana State Troopers.

Interstate 10 near Mile Marker 117

Henderson, LouisianaMar 29, 20060 Comments

At the base of the bridge. You cannot see him till you are right there on him.

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