Kentwood, Louisiana Speed Traps

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US Hwy 51/Third Street North

Kentwood, LouisianaMay 22, 20230 Comments

Cops either sit on the shoulder of the road under a tree between Avenue B and Avenue C, lot behind an old tax office or in the parking lot of the feed store all facing north catching vehicles going south coming into town. Speed limit goes from 45mph to 35mph just before Avenue A and by the time you see them it is way too late. Up to 15mph over as long as you are slowing down they will let you alone and may flash their lights at you. If you are running 55 plus still you will get stopped and most likely written a ticket. Recently learned that some of the cops actually have rear mounted radar in their cars and will also get you coming up behind them where the speed limit is 25mph going thru the business areas. Most of the cops will stop you for any reason just to check paperwork and license status. Have been told Kentwood citizens apparently don’t believe in driver’s licenses or have suspended licenses and that is what they like looking for.

US Hwy 51 south

Kentwood, LouisianaMay 22, 20230 Comments

Local cop sits in lot in front of an old building right next to a house. It is on the east side of the road just before Newman Lane. There is also a bush in the yard that helps hide the car until it’s too late. Speed limit is 55mph but it is a moderately populated area and the speed limit drops to 45mph about 1/4 mile behind the location. Seems they won’t stop you until you are going 15 over but if you break 20 over you are almost definite to get a ticket. Due to previous administrations and cops, people literally drive 80mph plus through the area. At least two of the officers have radar in their vehicles.

State Highway 38 near US Highway 51

Kentwood, LouisianaMar 09, 20051 Comments

Officers sit by a state work barn. They run front and rear radar and often catch people coming into town. Speed limit goes from 55 to 40 very quickly then to 25 by the train tracks. By the time you get around the curve and see them it is too late.

US Highway 51 near State Highway 38

Kentwood, LouisianaDec 14, 20040 Comments

Police hide in many different unseen locations. They use front and rear radar. Their cops are very strict and will almost always right tickets.

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