Leesville, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Just past 171N. And Martin Luther King Dr intersection redlight

Leesville, LouisianaJul 06, 20200 Comments

Just past the red light is a small but steep hill that goes under the train tracks. on the other side of the overpass City and parish cops sit behind signs in parking lot on both sides of road. You must hit your brakes going down the hill, it’s steep and you speed up quick, cruise set or not, even if you are not going the posted 35mph speed limit, it will make u go over 40 by the time you hit the bottom. Then it’s too late.. you can’t see the other side when going down the hill but the cops over there see you as soon as you start down. DO 35 NOT A MILE OVER!!! BE SURE TO KEEP FOOT ON THE BRAKE!!! NO MERCY!!! ANYONE WILL GET STOPPED!!! 98% CHANCE OF BEING SEARCHED!!! 99% CHANCE OF TICKET!!! CROOKED COPS!!!
**Side note** use blinkers at all times… Especially at least 200 ft before your turn!!!

Near Calvary Baptist church on Hwy 8 west (Texas hwy)

Leesville, LouisianaMay 23, 20100 Comments

As you’re heading east into Leesville on highway 8 (Texas hwy) you will see on the left side of the road a small flea market with one or two log trucks parked. A short distance beyond this is a area off the left side of the hwy that looks like a little dirt road that makes a ‘U’. Many times there will be a city police car parked there. If you’re going over 45 either way you usually will get a ticket. They like this location because there’s a steep hill coming out of Leesville headed west between Tower mobile home park and the flea market. It’s very easy to go over the limit coming down this hill. At other times a city police car will take up a position in the parking area of the Calvary Baptist church just across the road. While I’ve never been stopped for speeding here (never had a speeding ticket my whole life) I’ve seen a lot of vehicles pulled over along this stretch.

Hwy 171 near the Circle K convenience store

Leesville, LouisianaMay 23, 20100 Comments

This is near the ‘Y’ after the 4 lane divides. Advance Auto Parts is on the left, Subway and a washateria are on the right and Cirkle K is right in the middle. Just after Circle K there’s another building then a cross street linking the two sides of the hwy. Many times I’ve seen a cop car parked there waiting as southbound traffic is coming by down a hill. It’s easy to overrun the limit here because of the hill and they know it.

HW171, just passed the light on Bellvue RD.

Leesville, LouisianaMar 24, 20100 Comments

Traveling North on HW171, pass the light on Bellvue Road, going into the curve, usually sitting on the left side in 2 different locations.

Hwy 28 (Alexandria Hwy) 1-3miles from Hwy 171

Leesville, LouisianaMar 02, 20100 Comments

Usually in medium during early morning hours or afternoon when workers are going or coming from work. Almost always State Trooper & you will get a ticket.

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