Mangham, Louisiana Speed Traps

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at 45mph sign hwy 425 as entering town nb

Mangham, LouisianaMar 02, 20150 Comments

Speed drops from 65 to 45 mph and never saw cop car, was reducing my speed when lights appeared. Did not have a chance to slow before pulled over unless I hit breaks hard. Pulled over in view of next 65 speed limit sign. Set up to have motorist fail. High percentage of town income from fines. Checked stats. Population 200. 10 miles south of I-20. Other traffic same speed, my out of state plates a target.

Just South of town

Mangham, LouisianaMar 25, 20140 Comments

Town cop sits and waits near 45 mph sign as you come into town from the south and then pounces on you ……. they have no mercy!! STAY AWAY.

LA 15

Mangham, LouisianaDec 01, 20010 Comments

If you’re coming in from the south end (BASKIN) on the left hand side as you round the turn immediately past Big Creek. Just as you pass the 55 mph sign you should be able to see him sitting under the 45mph sign. He’s sitting in a white car marked or not doesn’t matter to him and he may be city or parish cop (county to you out of staters) they’re all the same. He’s sitting in a yard under a couple of trees mainly waiting around sundown when the sun is in your eyes in the curve. Out-of-state doesn’t matter to them. They eat their own.

LA state hwy 15

Mangham, LouisianaMar 01, 20010 Comments

The village police have stopped international vistitors on one day for speeding and the next day for going too slow. They hide in many places in town and look for out-of-state vehicles.

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