Marrero, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Farrington Drive near 11th Street

Marrero, LouisianaOct 22, 20040 Comments

Usually 2 bike cops catching speeders coming down Farrington after turning off of Hwy 90 (Westbank Expressway).

Ehret Road

Marrero, LouisianaFeb 26, 20030 Comments

There are two locations on Ehret road where speed traps have taken place. One is at the intersection of Ehret Road and Weatherly Place. The entrance to Weatherly Place is set back from Ehret road and allows the officer to disguise him or herself from the sight of motorist. The other location is at Ehret Road and Ehret Place. This location is directly across from Harry S. Truman School. As in the other location, the entrance to Ehret Place is set back from Ehret road and hides the officer from traffic. This is also a school zone.

Ehret Road

Marrero, LouisianaFeb 15, 20030 Comments

Speed Limit is 20 mph on this small two way street that connects Ames with Barataria Blvd. Police usually use the entrance to Weatherly place to hide because there are big Oaks in the vicinity and it offers them good coverage.

Ames Blvd. Between Lapalco and West Bank Expressway

Marrero, LouisianaDec 12, 20020 Comments

A motorcycle policeman sits and waits for approaching cars to get in his radar line of fire. He is now sitting right before the school on Ames. He was sitting on the side of the road between Ames and Barataria. He is always looking for the cars in the fast lane on Ames headed toward the Expressway buthe will also aim for the ones in the right lane. Be careful because he pulls people over even if they are going only 5 miles over the speed limit.

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