Woodworth, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Highway 165 S

Woodworth, LouisianaDec 08, 20020 Comments

If your even one mile over speed limit they will stop you. They love to sit on side of road and wait for speeders.

Hwy 165 North

Woodworth, LouisianaJul 04, 20020 Comments

Speed limit is 65 mph on a divided 4 lane hwy in rural Rapides Parish. The limit is dropped to 55 mph on the same 4 lane divided still in rural area long before you reach any civilization.YOu will be stopped for driving 65 before you reach the 55 mph sign. The Woodworth police trive on speeders in this area, it about the only income the town has. Ask any local if there has been any leniancy towards a speeder, and the answer is "NO".

Hwy 165

Woodworth, LouisianaMay 13, 20020 Comments

Police is always parked on the highway.. on speed sign say 55 and less than 500 ft a sign is posted 65. The Police will pull you over in between those signs.

Hwy 165, about 7 or 8 miles south of Alexandria

Woodworth, LouisianaMar 01, 20020 Comments

The police cars will sit either in the median between the 2 lanes of Hwy. 165, usually on top of a hill or in a place so that by the time you see them, it is too late. They got my friend for going 3 mph over the limit. They’ve gotten me for having an expired licsence plate registration, and then another time for expired inspection sticker, then I was pulled over once for absolutely no reason. The officer said I was swerving and crossing the center lane which I WAS NOT, I had not been drinking at all! Then he searched my car and let me go. Just recently I’ve seen that they have a new camaro police car that is always on the highway right before you get into Woodworth if you are traveling south on 165.

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