Lewiston, Maine Speed Traps
East Avenue near Pleasant Street and Bartlett Street
A photo of your vehicle is taken from either direction on East Avenue, Bartlett Street and Pleasant Street.
Sabattus Street near East Avenue
On Sabattus Street at the intersection of East Avenue. Camera can take photo from either street. If you go through a red light, you will receive a letter with a picture of your vehicle and a bill for $126.00.
Sabbatus St. – Danny’s Variety
Police car (Lewiston or Sabbatus cop) sit’s at danny’s viriety at night, sometimes behind the U-HAUL trucks and uses burst radar and laser when he/she sees the headlights coming. I got caught off guard one night when they weren’t using it and got pulled over, so keep an eye out for them.
bottom of Montello Street hill
Vehicle sits at the bottom of the hill just around a corner hidden by trees and waits for unsuspecting traffic to come down the hill.They will give you 5 mph either way but NOTHING over that.