Annapolis, Maryland Speed Traps
9/3/2013 Corner of Hideaway Court and Admiral Way
Local police vehicle is park on Hideaway Court
Harry Truman Pkwy – various places
Police cars sit on one of the side roads off Truman Parkway within Heritage Harbour. The speed limit fluctuates several times through the length of Harry Truman Pkwy. with the slowest speeds (25-30 mph.) being in the section that is part of Heritage Harbour. They also sit/hide behind the cow statues at the MD Dept. of Agriculture where the speed limit slows down to about 35 mph.
665 West (Aris T. Allen Blvd)just before Chinquapin Round Ro
The police car usually sits in a hidden road off 665 and can’t be seen until you drive past. Speed limit is 50 on Aris T. Allen Blvd. between Riva Road and Route 2 Exits and slows down to 40 as you approach Chinquapin Round Road traffic light. There are two hidden paved driveways on the right that usually have County police waiting for their next victims.
Forest Dr & Tyler Ave (Annapolis Seafood)
Annapolis City sit in the parking lot on the far side as if you were leaving the Annapolis Neck Pennisula and heading towards Clocktower Place and Spa Rd. Usually see them early mornings or afternoons. Speed limit is 40 mph through this area.
coach Way near sherwood forest Road
Cuz its an expensive area, and the road there is pretty wide, ppl tend to speed but careful its a 25 mph area and the undercover cop will wait down the hill after u pass the island in the middle. 5 over and its a ticket.