Anne Arundel, Maryland Speed Traps
Interstate 295 near State Route 100
Always on Sat & Sun mornings between 9:30-10:30 I see state police standing out there pulling over cars – once there were 5 cars pulled over at the same time, this is on the Northbound side of 295 – haven’t seen anything on the southbound side. They’re pretty serious about this spot and looks like they’re making a mint!
US Highway 195 near Exit Number 1
just before exit 1 (rt 170) State Police trunk open in center median. Just befor BWI airport. Also about a mile north of that in the center median 1 or 2 cars, able to get you north or south.
Church Street near State Route 2
While on Church Street the speed listed drops from 30MPH to 25MPH. I have seen city, AA County and State police cars waiting at the intersections.
I-695 Southern Inner and Outer Loop
MTA Police sit in the median (2 seperate spots about a mile apart) between the Curtis Creek Bridge and Rt 10 exit (exit 2). Be careful around there spots
The Park & Ride across the street from the Mt. Zion church on Rt. 2
Marked cop car is parked in the lot, looks like just a perked car until you get closer. Be safe and drive 50.