Eldersburg, Maryland Speed Traps

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Oklahoma Road near Across from Wolf Field Airport

Eldersburg, MarylandNov 12, 20070 Comments

Usually 2 State Police either marked or unmarked. Can be located any time at any location on Oklahoma Rd.

Bartholow Road near Johnsville + Bartholow or Cherry Tree Rd.

Eldersburg, MarylandJul 13, 20060 Comments

As you come around a sharp curve coming in the direction from Cherry Tree rd. They sit on the right hand side, they can be facing in either direction. If you are coming from Johnsville Rd. as you come up the grade and then down around the curve they sit on the left side. There is only one single home home on the right. This is surely a money maker.

Ridge Road between Marriottsville road 2 and Rt 26

Eldersburg, MarylandJun 30, 20030 Comments

Common short cut to Eldersburg, but radar traps are frequent in the residential sections. Hide behind trees and also bottom of hills. Most common speed is 40 mph, limit is 30. Locals still flash lights when they spot the traps.

Rt 26 between Liberty Reservoir and Georgetown Blvd

Eldersburg, MarylandApr 11, 20020 Comments

State Police will sit either early in the morning or late in the am hours on both sides of the road. The crusier car will sit with all lights and engine turned off. Be careful coming back or going to Baltimore in the early/late am hours, however I have spotted cruisers cars parked in these areas during the daytime.

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