Lanham, Maryland Speed Traps

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Located near Forbes Blvd and Boston Way

Lanham, MarylandMay 19, 20120 Comments

On the North bound side of Forbes Blvd, there is a mobile and stationary speed camera. I’m not sure if they’re active yet. But, they’re still there!

Good Luck RD near Robert Frost ES

Lanham, MarylandMay 12, 20120 Comments

On Good Luck RD, just inside the Beltway, near Robert Frost Elementary School. The camera is set for both directions. (The speed on Good Luck Road going West drops from 35 MPH to 30 MPH after crossing under the
Beltway, making this an easy one to get caught on traveling in that direction)

Good Luck Road at Parkdale HS

Lanham, MarylandMay 12, 20120 Comments

There is a speed camera on Good Luck Road for traffic both ways at Parkdale HS. It is ot immediately visible, especially at night

9850 Good Luck Road

Lanham, MarylandNov 21, 20110 Comments

Cameras on either side of the Robert Goddard MS and one is ac across from Duval HS

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